Sometimes, to be noticed you have to do the exact opposite of expectation. For Kashi’s Expo West show booth, brand ambassadors, food samples, and the usual technology tricks were nowhere to be found. In their place stood some big hard truth.

Have you ever seen a “Certified Organic” label food packaging? It’s fairly common so you’d think it was easy to achieve. It’s not. Less than 1% of U.S. farmland is “Certified Organic”—a staggering figure. That’s because the regulatory process to achieve that designation is a dense three year commitment for farmers, most of whom can’t justify the cost. To help support farmers in this process and encourage more to commit, Kashi partnered with Quality Assurance International to create a “Certified Transitional” standard. This new label will appear on goods produced at the highest standards during a farmer’s transition to organic farming while ensuring that they are receiving a ROI.

It’s not a simple message to convey, but it has to be said and it has to be noticed. For the Expo West convention, Kashi agreed to forgo the usual tricks and expectations of a trade show booth. No samples, no brand ambassadors, and no latest technology gimmicks—instead, an imposing and unmissable <1%. On it, a message about the state of American farmland, the “Certified Transitional” standard, and insights into what we can do to rally around farmers.

Jon Mischke — Creative Director

Matthew Connolly — Design Director


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